Beltway Talkabout

What’s done in the dark, Always comes to light

Embezzlement Paid off in 2007

Posted by gurlinthacity on December 27, 2007

One of the most surprising stories this year was of the DC Government tax scandal.  How does one get away with $20 million dollars?  How does one pull this off over the course of a few years?  Ms. Harriette Walters, the former tax assessment manager could tell you.  She has been indicted for fraud.  Where were the checks and balances at DC Government?  Can you believe the mayor was going to award the CFO a bonus this year for a job well done?  Awarding a bonus, to the supervisor of an embezzler, who has robbed you blind.

This is an every day occurence brought on by greed.  I’m not sure which version is worse.  The victim who takes months or years to find out they’ve been duped and the money is gone or the theif who steals that much money and sticks around until they get caught.  But it seems the year of 2007 was good for embezzelers. 

According to, Ex-NBC Treasurer charged with Embezzling $800,000 from TV Firm. 

According to the Boston Globe, A Bookkeeper stole $4 million from her employer, Galasso Langione & Botter of New Jersey.

According to the Small Firm Business, A woman charged with stealing $6.9 million from her employer, J&J Materials of Rehoboth, Delaware. 

According the the Maryland State Attorney General’s office, Wendi Lynn Davis of Arnold, MD was indicted for stealing more than $52,000 from the State Insurance Trust Fund.

 Disclaimer: Some of the aforementioned people have only been indicted and not found guilty.

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